Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action₁


SKU: 232545
Available Inventory: 11
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Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action₁ provides three benefits in one bag. This 3-in-1 formula kills and prevents weeds, all while feeding and strengthening your lawn. It kills broadleaf weeds, including dandelions and clover, and prevents crabgrass for up to 4 months. It also prevents other listed grassy weeds, including barnyardgrass, fall panicum, foxtail, and annual bluegrass. Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action₁ can be applied to Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass. Apply with a Scotts® spreader when dandelions are actively growing. Make sure the grass is wet from dew or watering before applying to help the particles adhere to weed leaves. After 24 hours, water the lawn to wash particles into the soil to prevent germination of crabgrass and other listed grassy weeds. Do not allow people and pets to re-enter the treated area until dusts have settled. An 11.31 lb. bag treats 4,000 sq. ft.

  • Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action₁ is a three-in-one formula that kills weeds, prevents crabgrass, and feeds grass to build thick, green lawns
  • Controls existing listed lawn weeds, including dandelion, clover, dollarweed, ground ivy, chickweed, plantain, henbit, and english daisy
  • Prevents crabgrass for 4 months (will not kill existing crabgrass); prevents other listed grassy weeds from invading your lawn
  • For use on Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Tall Fescue, Fine Fescue, and Zosyiagrass
  • Apply to a wet lawn with a Scotts® spreader, and then water in after 24 hours; apply in early spring when dandelions are actively growing; an 11.31 lb. bag treats 4,000 sq. ft.

How to Use

  • Apply to a wet lawn on a calm day. After 24 hours, water the lawn to wash particles onto the soil. For best results, apply using a Scotts® spreader.

Where Not to Use

  • Do not use on St. Augustinegrass (including Floratam), Dichondra, Lippa, Carpetgrass, or Bentgrass.

Where to Use

  • For use on Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Tall and Fine Fescue, Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Bahiagrass, and Zoysiagrass.
  • Under certain conditions, temporary discoloration may occur on Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, Centipedegrass, and Zoysiagrass lawns.

When to Apply

  • For spring application, apply when daytime temperatures are consistently between 60°F and 80°F and dandelions are actively growing. Apply before the 3rd or 4th mowing of the year. A fall application may be made to control fall-germinating winter weeds and cool season perennial weeds such as dandelion and clover.
  • On Bahiagrass and Centipedegrass lawns, wait until after the 2nd mowing of the year but DO NOT treat before mid-March. In the fall, DO NOT treat Centipedegrass after the 1st of October and DO NOT treat Bahiagrass after the 1st of November.

How Often to Apply

  • Do not apply this product more than twice a year. Allow at least 2 months between applications of this product.

Watering Tips

  • Water lawn 24 hours after application. Do not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours after application.

Using with Other Products

  • Wait 6-8 weeks to apply another fertilizer or fertilizer with control. Apply weed control WITHOUT fertilizer 30 days before or after applying Scotts® Turf Builder® Triple Action.

Fertilizer Analysis

  • 25-0-2

Active Ingredients

  • Dicamba: 0.081%
  • Pendimethalin: 1.22%2,4-D: 1.22%


  • This product can cause staining. To prevent staining and/or unwanted tracking of particles into the house, sweep or brush accidentally applied materials off of cement, stone, metallic surfaces (such as autos and garden furniture), and shoe surfaces. If necessary, rinse off with water.

Disposal Methods

  • If empty, place in trash or offer for recycling if available. If partially filled, called your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.Product


  • This is not the product label. Always read and follow the product label before use.
  • Download Label
  • Safety Data Sheets can be found at

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